Procrastination: Is It Time to Stop Avoiding and Start Accepting?
“Look at the grass. I know the lawn’s gotten way too long. But the lawnmower needs fixing, and I just can’t face doing it yet. [...]
“Look at the grass. I know the lawn’s gotten way too long. But the lawnmower needs fixing, and I just can’t face doing it yet. [...]
Should I accept that invite to meet-up with friends again? That concert ticket is tempting, but being with hundreds of people indoors, is that a [...]
Previously, we learned about a second staying exercise that helps us to attend to the parts of ourselves that get activated when we're triggered. Today, [...]
Feeling stressed and stuck in a relationship rut? Break up with old, unhelpful relationship programming to cultivate deeper, more romantic connections. Valentine’s Day is [...]
Previously, we practiced a staying exercise to help shift our emotional experience when we're triggered in order to make space for introspection and learning. Today, [...]
"In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer. And that makes me happy. For it says that no matter [...]
To loosen the grip of our old programming, instead of reflexively reacting to triggers with our old programming, we can stay present to what's going [...]
When it comes to anger, we confuse emotion with behavior. They are not one in the same. Emotion and behavior are two very different things. [...]
When you think of anger, what comes to mind for you? Do you picture someone yelling, screaming, throwing things, or getting physically violent? Do you [...]
When we're activated, our fight-flight-or freeze response is in gear, we're overcome by our distress and that's all we can see. But, if we expand [...]