AEDP Essential Skills (ES1) Online Course
October 30, 2020 @ 8:00 am - November 3, 2020 @ 4:00 pm
In this online training, what we consider AEDP’s “essential skills” will be didactically demonstrated and experientially explored so that participants develop both a felt sense and a cognitive understanding of them. A key component of the experiential practices is the opportunity to “try on” sets of interventions as a therapist and to receive them as a client. We have found that learning new skills can give rise to experiences of safety, attachment security, transformation, increased therapeutic courage, and related phenomena; precisely the kinds of experiences AEDP facilitates for its clients. Each day course faculty lead small groups in practicing essential AEDP skills. The concentrated time that participants spend together immersed in learning inevitably leads to the development of a culture of trust and generosity that allows for risk-taking and a supportive environment that is uniquely suited for optimal learning.